BRAND NEW LIDS Coming Soon To Our Store

Paper and Pulp Lids Coming Soon To Oji Foodservice
We're excited to be launching our new series of Paper and Pulp Lids for our clients.
Paper and Pulp Lids Coming Soon To Oji Foodservice
We're excited to be launching our new series of Paper and Pulp Lids for our clients. Available for both 80mm and 90mm Rim Paper Cups, these new options are the perfect choice for those businesses looking to become an environmentally friendly brand.
Pulp Lids - Kraft and White Designs - 80mm and 90mm Diameter
Kraft and White Paper Lid Designs suitable for direct contact with liquid. Inside the lid design is an undercut feature that provides a good snap fit to the Lid rim which prevents spills and provides more security for the consumer.
Paper Lids - 80mm and 90mm Diameter
The paperboard we use for our Paper Cups is manufactured from 100% virgin fibre. The wood used to make the board is from well-managed plantation forests purpose-grown for manufacturing into wood and paper products. Paper is a renewable resource, a key point of difference between Paper Cups and alternatives made from non-renewable materials.
Interested in any of these lids? Contact us to discuss your options.