Oji Fibre Solutions Makes Paper Cups

Facts About Our Cups - 2018 - Oji Fibre Solutions
There has been a lot of buzz around recycling and composting options lately! We wanted to clear up any confusion for our customers and answer some common questions.
What are our cups made of?
Mostly paper. All cups we supply are made of a paper base. We import some paper from overseas. We have a due diligence system to ensure the imported papers meet the Australian illegal logging laws. Some of the cups we offer have coating of Polyactic Acid (PLA) which is derived from plants such as sugar cane, sugar beet, casava, or corn. The PLA is transported in pellet form to various manufacturers who soften the pellets and reform them into various shapes.
We do not use any metals in our inks. Instead, we use water based inks approved for indirect food contact applications. We use hot melt glue that is certified for indirect food contact.
Where are our cups made?
Most of our cups are manufactured in Australia from imported paper. We also import PLA coated paper cups from China.
Are our cups compostable?
Our suppliers have provided compostable certifications for the PLA coated hot cups we import. In general, composting is easier in commercial facilities where the microorganisms populate rapidly and produce suffcient heat to break down PLA into carbon, nitrogen, water and other organic material. It is the need to provide the ideal conditions that makes home composting of PLA polymers harder. If the home compost bin is not well managed and there isn't much air, water, heat, light and the carbon to nitrogen ratios are incorrect, then PLA will take much longer to compost. PLA products require a compost encironment that is at least 60 degress celisius before they will reliably degrade.
Other advantages of our products include:
- Customer focus to ensure you get the service you expect
- Flexibility of local manufacturing to deliver in lead times
- Digital print technology that removes the cost of print plates and provides options for promotional programmes and small orders
- Freight rates for all levels of delivery options from same day to next week
- Customised printing and packaging to suit specific suctomer requirements
- Reliability and quality that comes from over 30 years experience manufacturing and importing paper cups
- Quality systems refined at our Brisbane plant
We have a range of lids with a range of end of life options.
We have three different types of lids so our customers have the choice of the lid that best suits their purpose.
- Polystyrene Lids - are available in both the sipper and spout design style
- PLA Lids - are certified comportable if placed in a commercial composting facility
- Paper Lids - are made from wood pulp. While not certified, we have information from an independent authority to indicate the wood pulp lids are compostable and biodegradeable.
Oji Fibre Solutions aims to manage customer risks from false product claims.
We have a conservative approach to environmental and other claims. A customer could be caught under the FTA and CCA if a misleading message is printed on their branded cup or lid. Oji Fibre Solutions takes care, as far as practical, to minimise legal and reputation risks by ensuring these kinds of claims are supportable.